When to Choose Urgent Care Over the Emergency Room

Feb 1, 2024 | Health Tips

In most urgent medical situations, urgent care and emergency rooms may seem quite similar, but a clear distinction exists between the two. Urgent cares are ideal for treating non-life-threatening illnesses and injuries at a lower cost, without the wait times typical of the ER, while emergency rooms specialize in providing immediate, life-saving treatment. However, in certain circumstances, it can be difficult to decide which type of care to seek. This blog post will provide you with information on when to choose urgent care over the emergency room.


Minor Injuries or Illnesses

Urgent Care

If you’ve got an injury or illness that needs medical attention but isn’t life-threatening, urgent care may be your best option. These conditions may include:

  • Mild illness
  • Minor fractures 
  • Sprains and strains 
  • Cuts requiring stitches
  • Mild burns

Emergency Room

However, if you have any of the following symptoms, you should head to the nearest emergency room:

  • Chest pain or difficulty breathing
  • Weakness or numbness on one side of the body
  • Slurred speech
  • Vision problems, such as double vision or loss of vision
  • Severe dizziness
  • Head injuries, loss of consciousness, fainting, confusion, or seizures


Moderate Pain

Urgent care is an excellent choice for moderate to severe pain that can’t wait for your primary care office to fit you in. You’ll receive prompt care for conditions such as kidney stones, severe headaches or migraines, abdominal pain, or intense back pain. Urgent care doctors will help relieve discomfort with medication and provide medical support. It’s essential to seek medical attention for moderate pain, to rule out any underlying conditions or complications.

Follow-up Care

Often, after initial treatment of a more severe illness or injury at the emergency room, follow-up care is required. Urgent care is equipped to handle follow-up care for patients and provide a more convenient option. You don’t have to go through wait times at the hospital-based emergency room. Illnesses such as flu, strep throat, and ear infections may require follow-up care, which urgent care can provide.


Benefits of Urgent Care 

When an injury or illness isn’t severe enough to warrant a trip to the emergency room, there are a number of benefits to choosing urgent care:


Urgent care centers typically charge significantly less for care than emergency rooms. Additionally, most insurance policies offer co-payment or reduced co-insurance costs for urgent care visits. You can save money by visiting an urgent care center rather than the ER, especially if your condition isn’t life-threatening.


Urgent care centers also provide the convenience of extended hours on weekends, holidays, and evenings compared to the emergency room. Urgent cares are ideal for people with busy schedules or who need prompt medical attention quickly. Urgent care services help alleviate the burden on hospital emergency rooms by reducing the number of non-emergency visits through primary care providers. This service can help hospitals focus on providing emergency care to those in critical situations.

Wait Time

It’s not uncommon to arrive at the emergency room only to be told that you will be waiting several hours to be seen. Since emergency rooms always prioritize patients with life-threatening conditions, an hour wait can easily turn into much longer. In general, wait times at urgent care clinics are significantly shorter, as we take patients in the order in which they arrive.

Visit Amelia Urgent Care and Occupational Medicine Urgent Care

Urgent care is a great solution for minor injuries and illnesses, moderate pain, follow-up care, cost-effectiveness, and convenience. Emergency rooms are always open and equipped to handle life-threatening illnesses or injuries. It’s important to note that urgent care centers can help reduce the burden on hospital emergency rooms, freeing up those resources to help those with life-threatening conditions. Whenever you’re in doubt, you can call us for guidance on the best place for care. Ultimately, seeking medical care at an urgent care center could be a safer and faster option, saving you time and money. 

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